*INACCURACY ALERT - I have just been informed that, when we discuss Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban I incorrectly recall the start of the previous film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Suffice to say, with all the potter info in my head its become a bit of a blur - so apologies for that incredible inaccurracy. Ironically, the sequence I forgot about - the awesome bus - was one of the best sequences in the entire film!
This week, we travel outside of London to Brighton to cover an upcoming film playing at CineCity: The Brighton Film Festival and we record at the Oldest Cinema in Britain - The Duke of Yorks. Alejandro González Iñárritu directs Biutiful starring Javier Bardem and, believe me, though set in Barcelona it is the complete opposite the Javier Bardems previous outing in Vicky Cristina Barcelona.
We then cover the news - that includes DiCaprio as a tiger and Christian Bale as Batman - for the last time. So he says. The UK box-office (Time-Out ... update your London Box-Office!) and feedback from new listeners and Baffler-Planners alike.
Finally, we discuss the next two Harry Potter films: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Alfonso Cuarón and Mike Newell try their hand with Potter with serious outcomes ...
Thanks to Jon at Splendor Cinema for his support of the show! The Duke of Yorks truly is the place to be!
Opposing views on Alfonso Cuarón is held by Nick at Random Ramblings of a Demented Doorknob.
I couldn't find the soundtrack for Biutiful but IMDB has obviously got the soundtrack listing so, I have hunted down the following tracks by Underworld
, Cafe Tubeca and Lorca
. To finish, the final few tracks are from the Harry Potter franchise - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is John Williams
whilst Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is composed by Patrick Doyle
Remember - you can always email The Simon and Jo Film Show directly using this email: simonandjoshow@gmail.com
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