"Hello Blog Writers and Blog Readers,
This is Simon writing here from 'The Simon and Jo Film Show' (oh, now that you ask, its a podcast that covers film on a weekly basis - much fun can be had! ITs on itunes and my personal blog is www.screeninsight.com - do check it out!) and I've been asked to put together an email of links to check out for all you film bloggers!
The blogging community is a funny one, it seems many blog-readers are actually blog-writers. Obviously, many people will find your special post via Google searches and recommendations from other sites - if IMDB recommend your review perhaps? But, in the first instance blog-readers being blog-writers is a great starting point because, if the blog-writer who reads your blog likes your blog enough, they will write about reading your blog and the beautiful circle of [blogging] life continues.
Fact is, commenting to simply show your appreciation is what everyone seeks - do you like their article? do you agree? is a fact incorrect? (Once I claimed Fellini was an Italian Neo-Realist! Ouch, thank you to Mike Lippert on You Talkin' To Me? blog for correcting a small mistake!). So, put some time aside, go through the links below and click, read and comment - I guarantee, you'll come off better for it and, if you are wise enough to leave a link to your own blog at the bottom, I further guarantee that those writers will have a gander at your blog too...
If you dig your Alfred Hitchcock it is imperative that you go to Alred Hitchcock Geeks Blog. He covers many, many incredible aspects of Hitchcocks career - aspects that are not covered on the Special Edition DVD. How Cezanne features in 'The Wrong Man', the politics of 'Foreign Correspondant'... seek it out at: http://www.alfredhitchcockgeek.com/
Flickering Myth is a blog run by many different members - therefore covering a wide range of topics and issues. Recently, I read all my latest information on Comic-Con in San Diego on their site - and they handily provide the links to find out what the trailers and reveals were. Find them at: http://flickeringmyth.blogspot.com/
Rachel at Rachels Reel Reviews is a great blog as, for one, she has a daily change of events - from the 'Saturday Soapbox' through to the 'Thursdays Three' and 'Fridays New Feature Films'. She also has a podcast - Reel Insight - released on a weekly basis. Then, ON TOP of this she does additional bits and bobs. Find her at: www.rachelsreelreviews.com
The Audient rips apart Tarsem Singh's 'The Cell' starring Vince Vaughn , J-Lo and Vincent D'Onofrio. Personally, I love how, back in the day, Vince Vaughan starred in 'The Cell', 'Jurassic Park: The Lost World' and 'Psycho '98'. Whoever told him to go down the comedy route should be paid alot of money. Find this specific post by typing: http://theaudient.blogspot.com/2010/07/new-discoveries.html
The Intermittent Sprocket claims himself that he is "a projectionist and a waster. Which makes every thought that pops into my head important enough to spit up on the internet.". Though I wouldn't knock him down so much, he does have a great understanding of the films and the marketing - recently he wrote about tag lines" Check him out on: http://theintermittentsprocket.blogspot.com/
Julian Stark over at Movies And Other Things writes some great posts but, what is even more interesting, is that throughout the year he is predicting the Oscar Contenders... oh? who is going to be up for Best Picture 2011? No ideas? He has it all planned out: http://julianstark-moviesandotherthings.blogspot.com/
I have only just found this: http://www.unknownscreenwriter.com/
Seems to be not only a blog which covers a range of cienmatic issues, but also a place whereby the informatyion is stored and available. Separate sections focussing solely on 'Structure' and 'Character' provide a wealth of reading material for budding screenwriters.
Again, http://www.unknownscreenwriter.com/
If you are hunting down more blogs to read, have a gander at the LAMB (The Large Association of Movie Blogs) whereby, regularly, they release LAMB Chops or Bloody Chops or Classic Chops - respectively looking at simply great posts, great posts amongst the horror-film bloggers out there and posts about classic cinema, pre-1979.
The LAMB can be found at: http://largeassmovieblogs.blogspot.com/
Do check them out! and comment if you support them!
Ha I forgot about the Fellini thing. It was a friendly correction though. Good list of blogs.
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing this, 'tis appreciated!
ReplyDelete@Mike - Of course it was a friendly correction - but mucho appreciated! Hence 'always comment...blah blah'
ReplyDelete@Kid - Dinna worry, still ain't got the internet at home though. Turns out, TalkTalk are a load of crap.
I feel like such a tart! I know this post was over a month ago, but I am really behind on post reading. But thank you so much for the link and kind words (better late than never).