Simon and Jo Film Show

Began in September 2009, and over the course of 1-year and 5-months, Jo Gudgeon and I committed to a weekly podcast titled, initially "The Simon and Jo Show", only to be adapted and turned into "The Simon and Jo Film Show"... to clarify the content.

We aimed for every show - that became 70 in total - to be recorded and set, on location somewhere in London. We recorded at Clapham Picturehouse, the Ritzy, Curzon Mayfair, Curzon Soho, Prince Charles Cinema, Leicester Square, The Old Vic, The Haymarket, The National Theatre amongst many other locations.

We even recorded videos on YouTube - I have included my favourite here but there are many more on the YouTube channel. In January 2012, a one-off episode reviewing 2011 was released. This featured both Jo and I discussing our Top 10 Films of 2011 and analysis of the Mission Impossible franchise so far.

Obviously, we cannot continue to store all the podcasts transmitted since 2009 - there are simply too many, so I have selected the most recent recordings completed during January and February 2011 - and the latest episode in January 2012 - alongside some trilogy discussions and the One-Year Anniversary show recorded in Brighton. Using the table below, you can see the easy-access episodes highlighted in yellow.