Monday, 2 May 2011

'Screen Insight' Statistics (April)

I wrote a Statistics post for last month. My new URL began on 5th March 2011 and, I am sharing with you what these statistics have revealed as I try and re-establish a readership and build a blog that is primarily informative and, for me, reflective on my interest in film. Having said that I wanted to 'share' with you my statistics, there were some glaring omissions from last months statistics. This I shall attempt to rectify this month by comparing this month to last months.

In March - noting the first 5 days amounted to nothing - garnered me 310 visits (182 Absolute Unique Visitors). During April, it has more than doubled with 726 visits (568 Absolute Unique Visitors) - 73% of which are new to the site. So this, I believe shows how, very slowly, the blog is becoming re-established successfully and that Google is beginning to pick-up on all the old posts as it used to.

The bounce rate in March was 62% Bounce Rate, which I believe is a good. As I understand, a 'bounce' is a click to your site which is clearly unintentional or unwanted - and this is clear by the milli-second, or single-second the connection to your site. Clearly, if someone 'browsed' your site for one-second, it hardly counts as a fan or your website. Unfortunately, in April, my bounce rate has risen to 75% so I need to be wary about my content and ensure that everything remains relevant.

The average-time-on-site in March was 2-minute 40-seconds. In the previous blog, as I recall, it was always a struggle to maintain an average of over a minute, so this seems exceptionally good. Not to mention how the A-Z series probably takes barely a minute to read. Again, unfortunately, as I gain more visitors to the site, it appears that they don't read as much as my April average-time-on-site has dropped tremendously to 1-minute 12-seconds. Now, on 7th April and 24th April, the average time on the site was 4-min 42 and 3-min 27 respectively so I think I will have a gander of these dates and what blog-posts were released at that time because, it appears, this is what people are more interested in

So, the April Top 10 Blog Post are as follows:
10. Across the Blogosphere... 24/04/2011 (NE)

I think that's a good round-up. Everything, bar two posts which released at the very start of April - or the end of March - all appear. Again, the Incredible Soundtracks come up the top, with a suprise in the Gerard Butler post - I think I shall ensure that the Favourite Film Faces posts are exclusively shots of film stars in roles before they were famous because that is a great way to establish an ongoing theme - opposed to a show of Jon Hamm in Mad Men looking good.

The Leonardo DiCaprio post, I have a feeling, will remain high for a while. Namely because it appears that the most poular key words that bring people to my site at the moment are "leonardo dicaprio films" and "best leonardo dicaprio movies" (followed in third place by "gerard butler"). These words will be around for a long time to come ...

To finish, I direct people to the search-bars on the left to see the wealth of material accessible still...
Large Association of Movie Blogs

1 comment:

  1. (I'd be shocked if you haven't voted! Crazy that you got me and I got you!)

    "Hello, fellow LAMB. Just wanted to let you know that The LAMMYs are coming up and we are hoping for the best voter turnout for the nominations ever. Every LAMB #1-900 is eligible to vote (and to win!), and that includes you. To participate, please go to this site:



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