Tuesday 8 February 2011

A-Z #30: Bridge on the River Kwai

You can pick up hundreds of DVD's for a round-pound each - it doesn't matter. Its never about quantity, its about quality. A-Z is my way of going through my collection, from A-Z, and justifying why I own the films... or you can tell me why I should sell 'em

#30 - Bridge on the River Kwai 

Why did I buy it?

I swear, my Dad has so much to answer for my interest in film. As much as he might despise the film-obsessive attitude I have, he has much to answer for. Akin to Ben-Hur, this 3+ hours epic film was a favourite for those Sunday afternoons. I never knew the importance of the film until many years later - David Lean directing, winning Best Picture at the Oscars for 1957, alongside winning big at the BAFTA's and the Golden Globes.
Why do I still own it?
Because the story is fascinating and, dare I say it, incredibly unique. Alec Guinness is captured and, as a Prisoner of War, is ordered to build a bridge and takes so much pride in the bridge that he doesn't realise that he is ultimately helping the enemy. An awesome finale - "my god - what have I done" before, Guinness falls on the lever.
But is it too big and sprawling? Maybe you don't need so much David Lean?
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Large Association of Movie Blogs


  1. Thanks...now I have Colenol Bogey playing in my head.

    This is one of the greats, I'd never give up my dvd copy of it.

  2. I don't want to give it up ... but, ltes be honest, how often do you find yourself in a "philosophical-war-movie-mood-for-three-hours"... ???


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