Sunday, 9 January 2011

A-Z #4: About A Boy

As we all know, if you want a big film collection, nowadays, it is easy. You can pick up hundreds of DVD's for a buck each - it doesn't matter. But, as a film fan, I'm sure - like every other film fan - the first thing you have a gander at when visiting a new friends house is their film collection - its never about quantity, its about quality. A-Z is my way of going through my collection, from A-Z, and justifying why I own the films...

#4 - About A Boy

Why did I buy it?

I watched this at the cinema with a girl, who promptly dumped me the following day, and despite this tragic finale of the relationship, the film itself has always stuck with me. The soundtrack, by Badly Drawn Boy, was purchased and played many times on my shifts at Woolworths and I remember, having bought it, I was proud that this was one of the very few films my Mum liked.

Why do I still own it?

I think this is one of the best Hugh Grant films - if not, the best. Not to mention, the small fantasy about being him - no job, fashionable pad, London high-life, watching Countdown every day, etc - is something that is great to 'escape' to. Nicholas Hoult, in this, I was not a big fan of, but having watched it many times since, I have become more content with his semi-arrogant attitude. Also a great film to watch with the other-half!

The funniest bit in the entire film does not feature Hugh Grant - it is when Toni Collette, playing Hoult's Mum, is struggling in the kiitchen and you hear the boys voice-over "shes crying in the middle of the day now..." and Collette reaches to get a bowl from the top shelf of a cupboard and it is jammed in ever-so-slightly. As she fails to pull the bowl out, she cries in despair but forcing herself to continue for her son ... she pours the milk and spills a little, another desperate cry. Every time I watch it...

I found a YouTube video which works, so if you are unsure what I am referring to, forward to 3m 23s to remind yourself of that section ... just click here.

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Large Association of Movie Blogs


  1. Ah, thanks for that. Wouldn´t have thought about watching that again- it´s long ago, but probably you´re right and it´s worth another shot- WITH the other half...
    Visit the blog I´m writing for if you like... it´s about different stuff, mainly indie:

  2. Believe me - ABOUT A BOY is the rom-com for guys.

    I'll have a gander of your blog though Sebastian!



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